우선, 일리노이 주와 전 세계의 모든 건강관리 전문인들에게 진심으로 감사드리고 응원을 보내드리고 싶습니다.
First of all, I want to send my sincere gratitude and support to all of the healthcare workers (and) in (Illinoy)Illinois and around the world.
+ support : 지지, 지원 외에 '응원', '도움', '힘'이라는 가벼운 뉘앙스도 표현 가능
Despite doing our best to prepare for a respiratory virus pandemic, we now find ourselves facing (and) a brand-new virus with too little information, not enough personal protective equipment, changing protocols every single day and no second chances.
+ respiratory : 호흡기관의, 호흡의
+ we find ourselves + ing : 의도하지 않았는데 ~ing를 하는 상황에 처해있다.
+ every single day : every day보다 더 강조. '매일매일'
This virus is unforgiving. It's It spreads before you even know you've cut caught it. And it tricks you into believing that it's nothing more than a little influenza
+ unforgiving : 용서할 수 없는, 무자비한(having or making no allowance for error or weakness)
for many of us, it may not be much more than the flu. And so It can be very confusing as to (it's) why schools are closed, (and) restaurants are shuttered and now the virus is taking what's left of our precious liberty.
+ as to : (무엇)과 관련해서 / 관련하여
But the real problem is not the 80% who will get over (that)this in a week. It's the 20% of patients. The older. those that are (who have) (immunal compromise)immunocompromised. Those (who)that have other medical problems who (will)are going to need a bit more support. Some oxygen. Or maybe a ventilator. Life support.
+ immunocompromised : 면역 시스템이 손상된
+ ventilator : 환풍기, 산소호흡기
+ 여기서 Life support는 생명유지 장치
We do amazing things like (that)this to save (safe) patient in our American hospitals and across the world every single day but we can't take care of everyone at once. And we can't keep the low mortality promise if we (can)can't provide the support that our pateints need.
Our healthcure system doesn't have any slack. There are no empty wards waiting for patients(propation) or nurses waiting in the wings. we barely even have enough masks for the nurses we have.
+ wards : -실(병동)
+ slack : 느슨한, 늘어진, 한산한, 해이한, 느슨한 부분
+ be wating in the wings : 날 수 있을 때까지 어미의 날개 속에서 지내는 새를 형상화해서, 실제 상황에 보내지기를 기다리고 있는 상태를 표현한 속어
There is no vaccine and (rather)readily available (entire virus)antiviral to help stem the (type)tide.
All we have to slow this spread is distance. Social distance. And if we (like)let every single patient with this infection, (infected)infect three more people and then each of them infect two or three more people, there won't be a hospital bed (with)when my mother can't breath very well. Or when (you)yours (are)is (copying)coughing (so)too much.
+ readily : 손쉽게, 순조롭게, 선뜻, 기꺼이
+ antiviral [ˌan-tē-ˈvī-rəl - 앤티바이럴] : 항바이러스성의, 항바이러스 (명사 가능)
+ stem the tide : 어떤 것이 계속되거나 증가하는 것을 막다 -> tide : 조수, 물결, 파도
+ cough [kȯf] -> coughing은 '커핑' 비슷한 발음이 나온다.
So in my house we've made(need) (our) a lot of sacrifices,
we don't go out anymore. (since) This is the first time I have to be left since some (in my house in the) days
because I'm leading out efforts in emergency planning for my home.
+ since some days : 며칠만에
My son has traded in sports, a science conference and the fifth grade (big)bake sale for (big) puzzles, e-learnings and some video (checks)chats.
This isn't the life any of us expected and, certainly, there are others who will make much greater sacrifices.
And there are many more disappointments to come.
+ the fifth grade bake sale : 5학년 베이커리 모금회 (미국 초등학교 행사)
+ trade in A for B : A를 B로 대채하다 (A를 하지 않는 대신 B를 하다)
It will last longer than any of us wanted to.
But in the end, we'll look back and see it as just a peace of what happened in our whole lives.
How can soccer or book club be so dangerous? Why ask so much of people for just of a few hundred cases?
Because it's only way to save those lives.
for : 때문에
And now(, It) is the time. Because the numbers you see today in the news are the people that got sick a week ago.
And there are still people who (pick)got sick today, who haven't even noticed they've been sick yet.
They picked up the virus and (would) it will take a week to see that show in (the)our numbers.
Waiting for hospitals (we've) to be overwhelemed (we)will leave the following week's patients.
with nowhere to go. in short, without taking drastic (leasers)measures, (then)the healthy and (automatic)optimistic among us will doom the vulnerable. (We'll do our honorable.)
+ in short : 요약해서
These extreme (restruction)restrictions may seem, in the end, a little anticlimactic. Because it's really hard to feel like you are saving the world when you are watching netflix (home in)from your couch. But if we do this right, nothing happens. Yeah. A successful (sheltering)shelter means that you are going to feel like it was all for nothing.
+ anticlimactic : 용두사미의, 허무하게 끝나는
+ restriction : 제한