There's Something About Mary : Throughline (1)
There's Something About Mary : Throughline
When a cook who carried typhoid fever refused to stop working, despite showing no symptoms, the authorities forcibly quarantined her for nearly three decades. Perfect villain or just a woman scapegoated because of her background? What the story of Typhoid
+ Typhoid : 장티푸스
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As reporter) It is probable that Mary Mallon is a prisoner for life. And yet she has committed no crime, has never been accused of an immoral or wicked act and has never been a prisoner in any court.
+ probable : 있을 것 같은, 개연성이 있는
+ for life : 평생동안
+ accuse of : ~의 죄로 기소 / 고발하다
It was in the middle of an outbreak. And though she had no symptoms - no fever, no chills, no rash - Mary Mallon had been classified as patient zero.
+ rash : 발진, (형용사) 경솔한, 성급한
+ patient zero : 유행병의 시초자
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (as Mary Mallon) When I first came here, I was so nervous and almost prostrated with grief and trouble.
+ prostrate : 엎드린, 몸을 가누지 못하는, 엎드리다
ARABLOUEI: So now she sat in an isolated cottage on an island surrounded by other infected people, confused about what was happening to her.
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As Mary Mallon) There was never any effort by the board authority to do anything for me excepting to cast me on the island and keep me a prisoner without being sick nor needing medical treatment.
+ board : 이사회
+ keep : 유지하다라는 뜻을 생각하자
She became a sort of experiment - and felt like one.
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As Mary Mallon) Why should I be banished like a leper and compelled to live in solitary confinement?
+ banish : 추방하다, 유배를 보내다
+ leper : 나환자, 문둥이, 배척당하는 사람
+ confine : 국한시키다, (폐쇄된 곳에) 넣다
+ solitary confinement : 독방감금
ABDELFATAH: She didn't know if she'd ever make it off that island.
+ 여기서의 off는 from
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As reporter) While Mary sees these unfortunate victims of various diseases come on the hospital boat and in due time return to their homes and friends, Mary stays on forever.
+ in due time : (언젠가) 때가 되면, 머지 않아
+ stay on : (자동사) 계속해서 남아있다
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #1: The virus is very difficult to contain. Many experts studying the pandemic have said one reason for that is because of silent spreaders.
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #2: Across the country, tense moments caught on camera as more businesses enforce new rules to stop the spread of...
+ catch (+ in / on / at) : 잡히다, 걸리다, 얽히다 (자동사로 쓰임)
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #3: This person who had COVID-19 did not know they had...
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #4: To wear or not to wear, one of these has in many quarters become a matter not just of health and safety but a matter of who do you believe.
UNIDENTIFIED PROTESTERS: Open up. Open up. Open up.
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #1: I think you need to back away from me, sir.
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #2: No, I got hydroxychloroquine. I'm fine.
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #3: We live in a country of freedom. We don't live in a country where the government tells us how to take care of our health.
ABDELFATAH: You're listening to THROUGHLINE from NPR.
ARABLOUEI: Where we go back in time...
ABDELFATAH: To understand the present.
Hey. I'm Rund Abdelfatah.
ARABLOUEI: I'm Ramtin Arablouei.
ABDELFATAH: And on this episode, the story of Typhoid Mary.
ARABLOUEI: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the surface the underlying tension we all experience between our personal choices and the public good. I mean, we've all seen the videos of people shouting at each other over wearing masks in supermarkets and parks.
+ bring to A B : A로 B를 가져오다
+ underlying : 근본적인, 밑에있는
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #4: You are in violation of my [expletive] constitutional right...
+ expletive : [격식]욕설
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #5: Either wear the mask or...
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #6: And I'm not doing it 'cause I woke up in a free country.
ABDELFATAH: And what I see in these videos are people struggling with whether a person's right to decide to wear a mask - or not - is more important than the health of the people they encounter - basically, personal liberty versus personal responsibility to society - a dilemma as old as civilization itself.
ARABLOUEI: The thing is, today, that dilemma might be a matter of life and death. And it's only going to get more complicated as a potential vaccine for COVID-19 gets developed and becomes vital in ending the pandemic.
ABDELFATAH: We're seeing this play out now with how states are handling mask requirements. In California, for example, masks are now required to be worn by most people in public. But what happens when someone says - hey, I'm not sick. Why do I have to adhere to these strict rules? Or this is a free country; you can't make me do anything I don't want to do.
+ play sth out : 유발하다, 발생시키다
ARABLOUEI: So then how does the government react? How far can or should they go to enforce public health regulations?
ABDELFATAH: In this episode, we're going back more than a hundred years to tell the story of Mary Mallon, an Irish immigrant who refused to cooperate with public health officials for years and became the notorious Typhoid Mary.
RICK MISHLEVSKI: Hi, This is Rick Mishlevski (ph) calling from San Francisco, and you're listening to THROUGHLINE from NPR.
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #7: Part 1 - Peaches and Cream.
ABDELFATAH: Oyster Bay is a small town on the northern shore of Long Island, just a short train ride from New York City. In the early 1900s, Oyster Bay was a popular vacation spot for New York's wealthy elite made famous by President Theodore Roosevelt, who had a home in the area.
+ It's just a short train ride from New York City : 문장 구조 기억해두기
ARABLOUEI: Each summer, families escaped the stench and sweat of the city for the cooler shores of seaside living.
+ stench : 악취
ABDELFATAH: In the summer of 1906, the Charles Elliott Warren (ph) family rented a house in Oyster Bay, and Mrs. Warren was looking for some help.
SUSAN CAMPBELL BARTOLETTI: She had four children. She had five servants. She had all kinds of social parties she was giving, so she needed a cook and she wanted a good one.
ABDELFATAH: This is author Susan Campbell Bartoletti.
BARTOLETTI: She called up the employment agency in New York City, and they sent her Mary Mallon.
ABDELFATAH: Mary Mallon immigrated from Ireland when she was a teenager, alone with no money, and built a name for herself as a solid, reliable cook. And that summer, she traveled up to Oyster Bay to work with the Warren family. But not long after she got there, something strange happened.
BARTOLETTI: The 9-year-old daughter, Margaret Warren, became sick. It was soon discovered she had that very, very high fever. She had bouts of diarrhea. And then the spots occur on her abdomen. And they realized - oh, dear, this is typhoid fever.
+ bout : 한바탕, 한차례
+ diarrhea : 설사 [dàiərí:ə : 다이ㅓㄹ 리아]
+ abdomen : 복부
ARABLOUEI: Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection that can range from mild flu-like symptoms to stomach pains, skin rashes and even internal bleeding. Though typhoid fever was fairly common in the early 1900s, few really understood what caused it. And there was no known cure. Consequently, doctors were left to treat symptoms with chemicals like turpentine, opium and ammonia. Nearly 10% of people infected died.
ABDELFATAH: This was the reality the Warren family faced when, mere weeks into their summer vacation, six of the 11 people in their household fell ill. Their newly hired cook, Mary, who didn't get sick by the way, stayed to help for a little bit. But she soon left Oyster Bay to begin working for a different family back in New York City.
ARABLOUEI: Luckily for the Warren family, no one died from the illness, and they eventually left their rented vacation house to return home. But the presence of typhoid fever posed a problem for the people who owned the house, the Thompson family.
BARTOLETTI: It had been a wedding present for Mrs. Thompson, and they rented it out. So they were really worried that no one would want to rent their house again if it was infected in some way. People were beginning to gossip about her house. And Mrs. Thompson was worried because if she couldn't figure out the cause, more than likely, the house would have to be burned down.
+ rent : 임대 / 임차하다, (차 따위를) 빌리다 -> 모두 사용 가능
보통 임대는 rent out을 사용한다
(임대 : 빌려줌 / 임차 : 빌림)
+ more than likely : 아마도
ARABLOUEI: At that time, typhoid fever was typically spread through contaminated water, a potential deadly consequence of things like back alley outhouses, clogged sewers or pipes that dumped waste into the same rivers and lakes meant to supply water. Typhoid was generally associated with overcrowded unsanitary conditions. So for it to surface in an affluent community like Oyster Bay was alarming.
+ alley : 골목
+ outhouse : (영) 별채, (미) 옥외 화장실
+ clog : 막다, 막히다, 나막신
ABDELFATAH: And so the Thompson family hired a man named George Soper to help them figure out where exactly the typhoid fever had come from.
BARTOLETTI: He is not a medical doctor. He has a Ph.D. in what would have been sanitary engineering.
ARABLOUEI: So tracking diseases wasn't exactly in the job description. But he had bigger ideas.
BARTOLETTI: He referred to himself as an epidemic fighter. You know, and that's - I love that he's like this superhero.
ABDELFATAH: He basically wanted to be the Dr. Fauci of his time and was eager to make a name for himself in the public health world. So he went to Oyster Bay, checked out the house and came up empty.
+ came up empty : 얻은게 없었다
BARTOLETTI: There's nothing wrong with the house. But then he finds out that there was a new cook and this new cook was no longer there. And he asks, well, what did she make? One of the meals that she had made that everyone had enjoyed, including the servants, was homemade ice cream with fresh peaches.
ARABLOUEI: George realized that the bacteria that causes typhoid fever could have been passed in Mary's signature dish.
UNIDENTIFED ACTOR #3: (As George Soper) No better way could be found for a cook to cleanse her hands of microbes and infect a family.
+ No better way : 이보다 더 좋은 방법은 없다
+ cleanse : [klenz] 세척하다
ARABLOUEI: Now he needed to find her.
BARTOLETTI: And he begins to do something that today we call contact tracing.
ABDELFATAH: He started visiting other households where Mary had worked, interviewing people.
BARTOLETTI: And when he interviews the servants, he finds that they don't really want to talk about Mary. They're not going to be forthcoming with any information. But he does learn that there were 22 victims in all.
+ forthcoming : 가까오는, 다가오는, 기꺼이 말하는(밝히는)
ABDELFATAH: Which led him to the theory that Mary was a healthy and asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever.
BARTOLETTI: He believes he has found the first healthy carrier in the United States, and he really wanted to stake his career on this.
+ stake : 말뚝을 바치다, (돈 등을) 걸다
ARABLOUEI: At the time, the idea of germs, invisible microorganisms that got you sick, was virtually unknown to most people. So the idea that someone could be infecting other people with a deadly illness without knowing it, without showing symptoms themselves would have been unbelievable to an average citizen like Mary. But George Soper was a believer.
+ at the time : 그 시기에 vs at that time : 그 때 (좀더 짧은 단위)
+ microorganism : 미생물
BARTOLETTI: He knew that germs could be passed. How could they be passed? They could be passed in the water system. They could be passed through the sewage system. They could be passed when people don't wash their hands after using the toilet. So he realized that this could be the situation with Mary - that perhaps she wasn't clean enough. Perhaps she was unwittingly, unknowingly passing these germs along.
ABDELFATAH: George eventually tracked down Mary to her current employer, a family on Park Avenue whose only daughter was dying from typhoid fever.
BARTOLETTI: And so he shows up at her place of employment. And he tries to explain to her - he believes if he could just explain to her about how she could possibly be carrying this disease - that she doesn't wash her hands, that her fingers might still be dirty after using the toilet. Well, she becomes outraged.
ABDELFATAH: Think about that for a second. Mary's a professional cook. And Soper shows up, unannounced, and tells her she might be contaminating her food, making people sick - probably one of the most offensive things you can say to a cook.
BARTOLETTI: And so she's insulted. She has a clean kitchen. She is a clean cook. She's not sick. And when he presses her that he wants her to give him samples - he wants samples of blood, urine and stool - this was a pretty personal request. And so she becomes outraged. She grabs a carving fork, and she swears, and she attacks him. And he fled. (Laughter). He fled.
+ press : 1. 누르다 2. 압박하다 3. 강조하다
+ stool : (등받이, 팔걸이가 없는) 의자, 대변
+ swear : (맹세하다도 있지만) 욕하다
+ flee - fled - fled : 달아나다, 도망치다
ABDELFATAH: When we come back, our epidemic fighter calls in backup to capture and test Mary Mallon.
+ call in backup : 지원군을 요청하다
BRETT: Hi. This is Brett from Stamford, Conn., and you are listening to THROUGHLINE from NPR.
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #7: Part 2 - The Most Dangerous Woman in America.
ARABLOUEI: George Soper's job was technically done. The Thompson family hired him to investigate the source of the typhoid fever outbreak in their Oyster Bay home. He traced it to Mary, and that should have settled it. Mission accomplished.
ABDELFATAH: Not exactly. This was just the beginning of a self-driven determination to stop Mary in her tracks and, in effect, to halt any further spread of typhoid. Maybe it was in the name of public health. Maybe it was in the name of furthering his own career. Maybe it was both.
+ further : 발전(성공)시키다
ARABLOUEI: Remember - George was a sanitary engineer. He had no authority over Mary or anyone for that matter. But if he could make a name for himself in the emerging infectious disease field, he'd be a pioneer.
+ make a name : 이름을 떨치다, 유명해지다
ABDELFATAH: Beyond all that, Mary had dared to defy him. George wasn't used to women standing up to him, and he didn't like it.
+ stand up to : ~에게 맞서다
BARTOLETTI: George Soper is looking at her from where he stood as this educated man who expected women to listen to him and others, probably, to listen to what he had to say because they certainly did when he was giving advice to the city about sanitation systems. And he just can't understand why, when he explains these things to Mary, she won't believe him.
+ George Soper is looking at her from where he stood : 문장 구조 기억하기
ABDELFATAH: So he started building a case against her. He needed to convince others, especially the New York Health Department, that Mary was a serious public health threat.
BARTOLETTI: This is the beginning where George Soper begins to do what I call othering Mary because now he describes her as being - well, I would've called her athletic, but she was a little too heavy. She used rough language. And...
+ othering : other이라고 칭함 (동명사)
+ atheletic : 탄탄한, (운동)선수
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #3: (As George Soper) Nothing was so distinctive about her as her walk, unless it was her mind. The two had a peculiarity in common. Those who knew her best said Mary walked more like a man than a woman and that her mind had a distinctly masculine character.
+ peculiarity : 특이한 점, 기이한 점, 이상한 점
BARTOLETTI: He is making assumptions about gender and sexuality because, at this time, women were expected to be pious, pure, domestic and submissive. And she just wasn't checking those boxes for him. So therefore, she was emotional, she was irrational, and she wouldn't listen to him.
+ pious : 경건한, 독실한 [파이어스]
+ domestic : 가정의
+ she just wasn't checking those boxes for him : 흐름 기억
ABDELFATAH: Well - and it seems like, on top of all that - right? - she's this Irish immigrant woman. She's kind of unconventional for her time - very unconventional in some ways. And I imagine that she's kind of the perfect villain for George - like, that she just is very easy to scapegoat if you needed a scapegoat.
+ scapegoat : 희생양, 희생양으로 만들다
BARTOLETTI: Well, he wants to make a name for himself. And so in order to make a name for himself, he needs Mary to cooperate with him. He also dehumanizes her at this point because he now starts to call her a living culture tube, a chronic typhoid germ producer, as some sort of like half-human machine. And he uses this language in order to get the city department of health to allow him to go after her.
+ dehumanize : 인간성을 말살시키다, 비인간적으로 만들다
+ culture tube : 세균 배양관
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #3: (As George Soper) She is a proved menace to the community. It was impossible to deal with her in a reasonable and peaceful way. And if the department meant to examine her, it must be prepared to use force - and plenty of it.
+ menace : 위협적인 존재
ARABLOUEI: It worked. With the city behind him, George made another attempt to confront Mary and get her tested. And this time, he had help.
+ confront : 닥치다, 맞서다, 정면으로 부딪치다 (마주하다)
BARTOLETTI: Dr. S. Josephine Baker.
ARABLOUEI: Not to be confused with the famous performer and civil rights activist, this Josephine Baker was a physician.
+ physician : 내과의사
BARTOLETTI: Who has worked with women and has worked in the immigrant community.
ABDELFATAH: Since George had failed to get through to Mary, the New York Department of Health decided it might help for a woman to try and talk to her, so they sent Dr. Baker to Mary's doorstep. But they failed to mention that Mary had a tendency to get violent.
+ get through : 이해시키다
BARTOLETTI: So Baker just thinks she's going to show up and collect Mary and they're going to go down to the hospital - the Willard Parker Hospital.
+ collect : 마음 / 생각을 가다듬다, 마음의 준비를 하다
ABDELFATAH: Wrong. Dr. Baker showed up at Mary's home and promptly got the door slammed in her face.
ABDELFATAH: So she tried again the next day, this time with the police.
BARTOLETTI: Well, when she gets there (laughter), Mary reacts so violently that Baker falls backward into the police officer behind her and Mary charges out the door.
+ fall backword : 뒤로 넘어지다
+ charge : 돌격/공격하다 (여기서는 문과 조합해서 문 밖으로 뛰쳐나가다)
+ charge out of : ~에서 뛰어나오다
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #4: (As Dr. S. Josephine Baker) Mary had disappeared. Disappear is too matter-of-fact a word. She had completely vanished.
ABDELFATAH: They searched the property for clues and came across footprints in the snow-covered yard. The footprints led to a chair which had been pushed up against the fence. Bingo - Mary had scaled the fence and was most likely hiding out in the house next door. So Dr. Baker and the police scurried over to the neighbor's house and spent five hours looking up and down for Mary. Feeling utterly defeated, they interrogated every servant and maid in the home, who all denied having seen Mary.
+ come across : 이해되다, (특정한) 인상을 주다, ~를 우연히 발견하다
+ a chair which had been pushed up against the fence : 울타리에 기대어 올려진 의자
+ scale : 크기를 변경(조정)하다 / ~를 오르다 (격식)
+ scurry : 종종걸음 치다, 허둥지둥 가다
+ interrogate : 심문(추궁)하다, (컴퓨터등에서)정보를 얻다
BARTOLETTI: And finally, when they were just about ready to give up, one of the police officers sees a little bit of dress sticking out of a closet door. And in front of the door, all these ash cans have been piled. And they realize, oh, that looks familiar. Mary had been wearing that. And they discover her inside the closet.
ARABLOUEI: A hiding spot. She'd been aided by the very maids and servants who claimed they hadn't seen her at all.
BARTOLETTI: Now, you have the servants - this kind of class solidarity, you know, where they put the ash cans.
They're helping her hide. And so when George Soper tries to make it sound as if she was some kind of outlier, some kind of loner, we find that this isn't true at all.
+ solidarity : 연대, 결속
+ ash can : 재떨이
ABDELFATAH: Dr. Baker was actually impressed by the show of allyship from the other domestic workers, and said she, quote, "liked that loyalty." But that didn't stop her and the officers from pushing away the ash cans and pulling Mary out of the closet.
+ allyship : 유대감
BARTOLETTI: Well, Mary is outraged.